
Who is Sifu Master Alexander Wong?

Master or Sifu Alexander Wong is a renowned physician and Instructor. Qi Gong healer and teacher.

We go back to approximately 46 years ago when Alexander returned to China from the U.K.
He was having problems adjusting to the lifestyle. He started suffering from low energy, migraines, nervous vomiting, and his Cholesterol started to climb.

The Doctors here could not find the reasons behind any of it. He started to meditate, and he began to calm down,  but still, he was not happy, so he decided to return to China and look for more help.

On his return, he found a teacher who was teaching Spontaneous Five Animal Movements’ in Guangzhou and at the age of 29 years he started his training for the next 3 and a half years. At the end of this all his illnesses had gone, and it was discovered that he had a strong Qi (Chi) in his hand, especially his index finger.

He is able to diagnose accurately by using his fingers to touch his patient’s heads and healing them efficiently by using his Qi (Chi) self-healing therapy and has cured many illnesses, some labelled as incurable.

The Spontaneous, five Animal movements are Tiger, Deer, Bear, Monkey and Crane. This is one of the oldest Chinese Self-Healing disciplines, discovered by ‘Hua Tao’ a famous 2n’d Century Physician who made the discovery of how to wake up the body’s natural self-healing through movements.

Alexander then carried on being taught by another teacher in Shanghai for a further 4 and a half years. Constantly learning and healing others himself in China and during his visits back and forth to the UK, where he started to build up a following of clients through word of mouth.

Once he settled back again in Surrey UK, He had a job in a restaurant and started part-time healing but very quickly became busy with people wanting to see him. Not just in the UK but in other countries too, where he would travel to every 6 months to hold surgeries.

Once there, people would come and bring their friends, and family members. His healing would; cover pains and aches, all over body Stress and mental issues, and specific problems i.e.: Circulation, Heart, Allergies, Joint problems, plain everyday living, and Fertility. He became well-known for Fertility treatment.

This started many years ago when someone contacted him after having suffered a few miscarriages. he found there were problems within her womb, which he healed and then went on to teach her the Five Animal techniques 7 sessions in total and then didn’t see her for 2 years until she came back to Qi Gong class with her two children.

Since then, another 370 babies have been born, the last one being in May 2021, most of these patients had only had one session before becoming pregnant, with less trauma.
In general, most people are usually feeling better within one to three visits.

Sifu Alexander Wong has worked hard to bring this Chinese traditional Qi (Chi) self-healing therapy to everyone and in many cases, he has found answers to help and cure incurable illnesses.

He has now trained others (Disciples) and is always looking for new Students to continue teaching and passing on his skill.

He has written many books, one that has been translated into English, Others that are already published in Chinese and waiting to be translated, and other follow-ups that are being worked on now.