What is Qi Gong?

What is Self-healing?

This term within this website introduces two meanings:

Hua Tuo spontaneous five animal movement refers to exercises that promote
self-vital energy to heal yourself from illness and ailments,

Traditional Chinese medical theory explains that when one’s Yin and Yang Chi are not balanced in the meridians, then one will become ill.

What makes the Yin and Yang become unbalanced?
Either physical or mental factors will cause the blockage.

How can one unblock the meridians?

By using:

Herbal medicines

Acupuncture or other alternative methods

Chi exercises, Including Tai Chi, Kung-Fu, but these are for well-being only.

Hua Tuo spontaneous five animal movements.

Are one of the few Qi Gong exercises, which have Self-healing components.

When someone joins Master Alex’s class to learn the Five animal movement’s he does a whole body check with Chi to make sure the student is able to take on the learning of the exercises, if not, then he heals them before they start the course.

This is normally over six one-to-one hourly sessions with Master Wong.

Most students when they start will move very slowly and in time build up to more spontaneous movements.

What is Spontaneous Five Animal Movement Qi Gong?

Qi Gong is a self-healing exercise, originally discovered by humans long before the present history of China. In India it is called YOGA, In China, it is called Qi Gong. Qi Gong in Chinese history is around 5 to 6,000 years old. There were tens of thousands of ancient articles written with details of Qi Gong.

We can easily learn that Qi Gong was very popular in ancient China. Of course, it was more popular in China first, and then interest spread to all other parts of the World.

Qi Gong is a DIY exercise. Simply including breathing exercises, meditation, thinking and posture. Qi means vital energy, Gong is exercise.

So Qi Gong is the kind of exercise that can improve your vital energy, help you to live longer, healthier and happier. It even helps you perform better in your own career.

What good benefits come from Qi Gong?

Lots of illnesses can be healed through the exercise. All the illnesses healed as mentioned in my leaflets and my book are proven by the Qi Gong Official research. Curative effects are very beneficial.

The True Qi will find the focus of the lesion (illness) and fight the sick Qi. It is very clever. it knows how to heal, what to heal, which first. You don’t have to know the meridians or
‘Accu-points’, The Qi will heal you better than the best doctor. It is very easy to learn.

Why only five animal movements?

Because according to the principle of the five elements used extensively in Chinese medicine, philosophy, military, strategy etc.

5 Animals: Tiger, Bear. Deer, Crane, Monkey.

What will happen during the exercise?

This style of Qi Gong has a perfect start up and end, as long as you follow the guidance of your Sifu and try to use your natural mind during the meditation and free your body so that it will want to move. In the beginning, there are two kinds of movement your body act upon.

The movement you normally do or you always will like to do. we’ve got a lot of examples in our class.

The movement to heal your illness in the joints or channels. E.g. stress will move backwards; hip trouble, spine or sciatica trouble will twist the hip and the back, etc.

Which animal movement should come first?

Normally the organ that has the illness. that related animal movement comes first.